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होम गेम्स Genies & Gems
Genies & Gems preview image
पहेल्ी 2 डी MagicAnimalsमैच 3 FacebookAndroidएप स्टोर SGN Social Games Network
मुल्यांकन: 9 मुल्यांकन 4 मत
खेल लिया 14
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समीक्षा जोड़ें
Collect treasure chests by matching gems.

Help the genie and her pet fox reach the treasure by collecting paws.

Use magical boosters to clear more gems.
Genies & Gems समीक्षा

संबधित ब्लाग प्रविष्ठिया

Rabu, Juni 29, 2016

नया गेम जोडा गया है: Genies & Gems

the fox in Genies & Gems Genies & Gems obstacles paws and butterfly gems in Genies & Gems Collect treasure chests by matching gems.

Help the genie and her pet fox reach the treasure by collecting paws.

Use magical boosters to clear more gems.
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